Elderly Australian Man Convert to Islam After Going to Mosque to Complain of noise – Emotional Video viral

Australian Man Convert to Islam
Australian Man Convert to Islam

A Heart touching story: Elderly Australian Man Convert to Islam After Going to Mosque to Complain of noise, His journey to embracing Islam is told in a heartwarming viral video.

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ALLAH is Great – The Sheikh Said

“This brother came to Masjid for complain about the noise this morning and went home as a Muslim. Allah is Great,” the sheikh said.

introduction – Australian Man Convert to Islam

An old Australian man who went towards the masjid to grumble about ‘Loud’ Azaan petitions to God went out of love as a Muslim, a viral video showed.

The heart touching incident was caught by film and showed the man announce his new confidence in the English and Arabic language prior to separating in tears.

Haji Hussain Goss, an active Muslim in Australia, shared the Video clip on his Facebook Official account, he wrote: “Welcome our brother to Beautiful Islam on this day. This brother came to complain about the noise this morning and went home as a Muslim.

Haji Hassan Goss, said toward the Beginning of the clip that the elderly person, named Brian who lives in a nursing home by close to the Gold Coast Masjid, came to grumble to him about the noisy sound of the request that had been impacted on speakers. Haji Hassan Goss, then sat with Brian for Ten to Fifteen minutes, during which he conversed with him.

Brian was convinced of the faith after his encounter with the preacher, making the voluntary decision to convert to Islam. Then haji Hassan Goss Said MASHA’ALLAH, Welcome to islam

The clip then went on to show Hassan saying the shahada and Brian repeating after him.

The remainder of the video is loaded up with overflow of feelings as both Hassan and Brian gushed while the other Muslims at the mosque praised him.
The clasp immediately became a web sensation on the web and piled up a gigantic view count, with many commending the evangelist for the manner by which he managed the Muslim in spite of first entering the mosque to whine.

Video Source: Skynews – Haji Hassan Goss

Converting to Islam: A Comprehensive Guide to Embracing the Muslim Faith

So, you’re considering converting to Islam and becoming a Muslim? Embarking on this spiritual journey is a significant step, filled with questions, uncertainties, and perhaps a touch of apprehension. Fear not, for in this guide, we will walk you through the process with clarity, empathy, and respect. Converting to Islam is not just about changing one’s faith; it’s about embracing a way of life, a community, and a deeper connection to the divine.

Understanding Islam: A Brief Introduction

Before diving into the conversion process, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of Islam. Islam, which means “submission to the will of God” in Arabic, is a monotheistic religion founded by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the 7th century CE in the Arabian Peninsula. Muslims believe in one God, Allah, and follow the teachings of the Qur’an, Islam’s holy book, and the Hadith, the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammadﷺ .

What Attracts People to Islam?

Numerous people are attracted to Islam for its accentuation on monotheism, civil rights, local area, and otherworldly satisfaction. The effortlessness of Islamic convictions and practices, combined with its comprehensive and libertarian values, resounds with individuals looking for importance, reason, and having a place in their lives.

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Steps to Conversion: How to Embrace Islam

Converting to Islam is a deeply personal and spiritual journey. While the process may vary for each individual, there are general steps that most people follow when embracing Islam.

Educate Yourself

Prior to going with a choice to change over, find opportunity to find out about Islam. Peruse the Qur’an, concentrate on the existence of Prophet Muhammad, and really get to know the fundamental convictions and practices of Islam. Look for direction from learned Muslims, go to Islamic talks, and investigate respectable internet-based assets.

Intention (Niyyah)

Conversion to Islam begins with a sincere intention to submit to the will of Allah and embrace Islam wholeheartedly. Reflect on your motives for converting and ensure that your decision is driven by a genuine desire to seek spiritual truth and guidance.

Declaration of Faith (Shahada)

The Shahada, or the declaration of faith, is the cornerstone of Islamic conversion. It is a simple yet profound statement affirming the belief in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad. To convert to Islam, one must recite the Shahada in Arabic with full conviction and understanding, preferably in the presence of witnesses.

Performing the Rituals

Upon reciting the Shahada, you officially become a Muslim. Embrace the five pillars of Islam:

Shahada (Declaration of Faith): Affirming the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad.

Salah (Prayer): Establishing regular prayers five times a day.

Zakat (Almsgiving): Giving to charity and supporting those in need.

Sawm (Fasting): Observing fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.

Hajj (Pilgrimage): Performing the pilgrimage to Mecca, if able.

Integration into the Muslim Community

Embracing Islam also means becoming part of a vibrant and diverse Muslim community. Seek out local mosques, Islamic centers, and Muslim organizations to connect with fellow believers, participate in communal prayers, and engage in acts of service and charity.

Challenges and Considerations

While embracing Islam can be a deeply rewarding experience, it may also present challenges and considerations, especially for converts from non-Muslim backgrounds.

Family and Social Dynamics

Converting to Islam may strain relationships with family members, friends, and colleagues who may not understand or accept your decision. It’s essential to communicate openly and respectfully with loved ones about your journey and seek support from understanding peers and mentors within the Muslim community.

Cultural Adjustment

For converts from non-Muslim cultures, adapting to Islamic practices and customs may require time and patience. Take gradual steps towards incorporating Islamic rituals and traditions into your daily life, and don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek guidance from knowledgeable mentors.

Continued Learning and Growth

Converting to Islam is just the beginning of a lifelong journey of spiritual growth and learning. Stay committed to deepening your understanding of Islam, seeking knowledge from reputable sources, and cultivating a strong connection with Allah through prayer, reflection, and acts of worship.

Conclusion: Embracing Islam, Embracing Faith

Converting to Islam is a profound and transformative journey that requires courage, sincerity, and humility. By embracing Islam, you join a global community of believers united by faith, compassion, and devotion to Allah. Remember, your journey as a Muslim is unique and deeply personal, filled with opportunities for growth, reflection, and spiritual fulfillment. May Allah guide you and bless you on your path towards embracing Islam and living a life of faith, purpose, and righteousness.

As you embark on this journey of faith, remember that the path to Islam is one of enlightenment and self-discovery. For additional resources and support, consider exploring the following links:

The Importance of Islamic Education

Understanding the Qur’an: A Beginner’s Guide

Connecting with the Muslim Community



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